JCCC - Spring 2015, Ruham

The Benefits of E-marketing Campaign


How beneficial is the internet marketing campaign and how does it have a very strong effect in the business field? Through blog posts, slideshows, videos, and infographics. Aaron Patzer created Mint.com. It’s a website that everyone can sign up for free. He allowed people to access their financial data through the website. It can help people manage their finances online by tracking how much they are spending and saving. In addition, you can add different accounts as well as, the site can pull and add all the documents and statements in one place so you can see quick summary of your personal finances at a glance. Plus, it categorizes expenses and sketches a final graph so the customer can view their finances in a more visual perspective. In addition, people can sign up for alerts via email where they get late fees, bill reminders, larger purchases, rate changes, etc. Over…

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